Thursday, 18 February 2010

Manifestation of the Manifesto

So I've been attempting to write out my manifesto. It's more difficult than it seems. I know what I want to achieve and I know how I want to achieve it but to put it down on paper is...tricky. It's slowly taking shape now though. I have a week to hand it in so that's enough time to create something that I can work with.

I'm beginning to worry that this is going to be more of a popularity contest than an actual democratic electoral process (then again, aren't they all!). It's all about who you know when it should be who is best for the job. Representation of students is something that should be taken very seriously and I fear that with systems like these in place, the best person for the job doesn't get it. But what would be an alternative? That's exactly it, there aren't any viable alternatives as they would break democracy. It's an ugly game, but I have to play it if I want to make a difference in the future.

Hard work. That's the key. Setting goals and achieving them. A kick ass campaign. And hopefully a lot of support for the right reasons. For now I can only put in the work behind the scenes.

One month and one week from today we'll see where that work has got me to.

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