Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Finding inspiration

Inspiration is a strange and elusive feeling. There's days when I can be inspired simply by thinking about my goals or by looking at something in a new light. Then there's other days where the goals seem so far away that I just feel drained of any emotion. Still, that doesn't mean I give up the struggle. I love to work. I love to create. But there are still days where you look out of the window and everything seems dry, everything seems colourless.

We fall into patterns. It's inevitable. It's unavoidable if we are to continue living in society. Patterns define culture, religion, social structures, businesses. Patterns define life. Eventually these patterns become boring and we need to move off into another direction until that new direction becomes a pattern in itself.

The way I avoid lack of inspiration is by constantly moving in new directions. There is so much to learn from so many people and places. I don't know what's going to happen but I'd rather have tried to understand and learn as much as possible before I eventually settle into a life on mundanity.

Anyway, this is just obsolete rambling now so i'm going to stop. Just needed to vent and only have my laptop to listen to me. It's amazing how much time we spend together, my laptop and I :)

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